KatandStar154’s TOS

Please read through if commissioning, thank you :3

General TOS

I do not work with babyfurs, regardless of anything. I have encountered too many that have been severely inappropriate with me as a minor and gross in general :( please do not interact if you can

Please do not send fetish/nsfw imagery if possible. If doing so I’d like a warning as I do a lot of comm work in public places. Sfw refs are much appreciated.

I do not work without images, I cannot easily decipher text. I can wait for you to come up with images. These are needed for customs and backgrounds, and possibly items.

Comm TOS

What you can and cannot do with your completed piece

  • Make stickers, print them off, etc for personal use

  • May use them to advertise yourself as long as proper credit is given

  • You may not profit off of my work

  • You will not edit my pieces, I will do edits for you if this is needed at all

  • Do not again, edit my work, especially in any sort of pedo, zoo, necro, babyfur context. You will be publicly blacklisted

Adopt TOS

What you can and cannot do with your obtained character

  • You may use this character in commercial purposes, just do not use my art of the character

  • You can resell the character if you have lost connection, I have no problem with this

  • Once you have received the character, you may do what you want but besides below

  • Do not make zoo, pedo, necro, baby fur content of the character. Everything else is fine, it is yours now after all.

  • Please do not label it as a “___“ quality. I do not appreciate my art being labeled as something like high quality or anything else.

  • Do not sell the characters to people on my public blacklist, you will be thrown on there too, it’s fine if you didn’t know but please.

Public Blacklist

The wall of shame.

Reason- sexually involved with minors as low as 14 that is known of. Also has sent me pornographic images

Reason- Tracer, and made edits of my OCs without permission.
Harassed me and threatened to harass a buyer over an adopt’s color palette.

Reason- Nsfw roleplay with non consenting people, essentially forcing themselves onto others. Stalking and commissioning people as terrorists

Reason- Used my uncomfortableness with them to be transphobic towards me.